Help with logging in

Organisations and their users login to in different ways.
This page includes videos covering all the different methods of logging in to Clinical Skills. You should follow the method recommended by your organisation.

At the bottom of this page we have videos covering how to reset your password, how to unlock your account and common problems with logging in.


OpenAthens / Shibboleth

To login using OpenAthens or Shibboleth:

  1. Click the "Click here for institutional access" button.

  2. In the next screen, select your organisation in the dropdown box and click "Next".

  3. On the next screen:

    • If you see a "Login via OpenAthens here" link or "Login via Shibboleth (UKAMF)" box, use these to log in to

    • If you see an OpenAthens or Shibboleth sign in box, enter your login details and click "Sign in".


Direct link

If your organisation has a direct link to Clinical Skills (guest user) on their website, simply click on the link to go to the Clinical Skills Dashboard. 


Login to an existing account with an email and password

If you already have an account on, and use an email address, or username, and password to login, have a look at this video.

You can also use this video if you are logging into our new site for the first time with an account created on our old website:


Your first login to a new Clinical Skills account

This video covers what to do if:

  1. You have received an email saying that a new Clinical Skills account has been created for you.
  2. You have been given a username and password to log in.


Resetting your password

How to reset your password (if you use a password to log in). Use this method if you have forgotten your password.


Unlocking an account

If you try and log in to an account too many times with the wrong password, your account will be locked. This is stop your account being hacked by someone trying to log in without permission.
This video shows you how to unlock your account.


Common problems with logging in.

This video covers many of the common problems with logging into and some solutions.


If you would like further help, please email us on:
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